Tag Archives: Herbs

Alternatives To Antibiotics – An Herbal Answer To Drug-Resistance

You have probably heard about it in the news: the ever increasing resistance to antibiotics popping up among the world’s illness causing bacteria. The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) latest information regarding antibiotic resistant bacteria is alarming, and leaves many … read more »

Posted in Cancer, Disease, Health and Wellness, Immune System Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Top 3 Herbs to Turn Your Aging Clock Back

While aging is inevitable, aging gracefully is a choice. In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, eating wholesome foods and getting plenty of exercise, herbs can play a big role in keeping you looking and feeling your best. Although it … read more »

Posted in Alzheimers, Anti-Aging, Arthritis, Cancer, Diet, Health and Wellness, Joint Pain, Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |