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These Specialized Therapies:- Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement/Balancing
- Bio-Oxidative Therapies
- Biopuncture Therapy
- Chelation Therapy
- HCG Weight Loss
Programs - IV Therapy
- Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
- Metabolic Detoxification
- Myofascial Release
- Neural Therapy
- Osteopathic
Manipulation - Ozone Therapy
- PRP - Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
- Posture and Gait
Assessment - Prolotherapy
- Prolozone
- Trigger Point Injections
4 Amazing Food Combinations That Can Boost Your Health
We know that there are many foods that on their own are touted as superfoods. But what you might not know is that combining certain superfoods can be even more beneficial. These foods work together to bring out the best … read more
Posted in Alzheimers, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Diet, Health and Wellness, Heart Disease, Parkinson's Disease
Tagged Antioxidants, Apples, Avocados, Broccoli, Cancer Prevention, Carotenoids, Catechins, Dark Chocolate, Flavonol Glycosides, Fresh Tuna, Heart Disease, Lemon, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Organic Green Tea, Parkinson's Disease, Quercetin, Reduce Blood Pressure, Salads, Superfoods, Tangeretin
Why You Should Eat Fermented Foods
Most of us consume fermented foods in some form or the other ranging from dairy products such as yogurt and kefir to pickled vegetables. Perhaps the most common fermented food consumed in the United States is sauerkraut followed by pickles. … read more
Posted in Allergies, Cancer, Diet, Disease, Food, Health and Wellness, Healthy Recipes, Immune System, Weight Loss
Tagged Cancer Prevention, Dental Decay, Disease Prevention, Fermentation, Fermented Foods, Good Bacteria, Helicobacter Pylori Infections, Immune Building Foods, Lower Cholesterol, Nervous System Function, Preserving Foods, Probiotics, Reduce Allergies, Reduce Hypertension, Weight Loss
Saw Palmetto For Prostate Health
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens/Sabal serrulata) is a palm that grows as trees or shrubs. It commonly flourishes in warmer climates and grows in the coastal regions of the southeastern United States. The berries of the saw palmetto plant are dried … read more
Posted in Cancer, Health and Wellness, Immune System, Nutrition
Tagged Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Blood Clotting Function, Fatty Acids, Flavonoids, Painful Urination, Plant Sterols, Prostate Cancer, Reduce Inflammation, Saw Palmetto, Saw Palmetto Side Effects, Strengthen Immune System
8 Green Foods For Great Health
“Eat your greens” is a constant refrain heard across dining tables, but are we getting enough of green foods? Leafy vegetables constitute a major group of greens, but there several other equally good green foods. Here are a few must-haves … read more
Posted in Anti-Aging, Cancer, Diet, Food, Health and Wellness, Heart Disease, Immune System, Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals, Weight Loss
Tagged Anti-Aging, anti-hypertension, Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidants in Vegetables, Asparagus, Avocados, Broccoli, Cancer Cells, Cancer Prevention, Cholestyramine, Folic Acid, Glutathione, Green Foods, Green Pepper, Green Tea, Immune System, Indole-3-Carbinol, Kaempferol, Kale, Kiwi Fruit, L-theanine, Nopales, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Quercetin, Reduce Cholesterol, Superfoods, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Weight Loss
Cardamom – The Wonder Spice Full Of Medicinal Properties
When you hear the word cardamom, probably you envision cardamom shortbread, cardamom tea, or curry. Sure, cardamom is used in all of the above and more recipes, but did you know that that cardamom has valuable medicinal benefits making it … read more
Posted in Cancer, Food, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals
Tagged Antioxidants, Antispasmodic, Cardamom, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Elaichi, Elettaria, Ginger, Gum Disease, Halitosis, Heartburn, Indigestion, Indole-3-Carbinol, Kardamom, Respiratory Problems, Stomach Acidity, Vomiting, Zingiberaceae