Do you know what GMOs are? Do you know that GMOs are banned in at least nine European countries? Do you also know that they are in your everyday food? If the answer to these questions is no, then the following information could change your life for the better. That’s because if your answer is no, GMOs are already changing your life…for the worse.
What are GMOs?
GMO stands for the term, genetically modified organism. A GMO is a naturally occurring gene that has been altered by scientists to produce specific results. Have you ever used the weed-killer product Roundup®? If so, you know when you spray it, it kills all living plants it touches, not just the weeds you’re trying to kill. Then how do farmers get away with spraying similar products on their crops, such as corn or soybeans? They can because a company named Monsanto has genetically modified the seed of certain plants so that they can tolerate Roundup and other chemicals without harm to the plant. Cells have been modified for other reasons than that application, but the principle is the same: a GMO is an organism that has been altered by scientists in its DNA.
What’s Wrong with GMOs?
According to numerous studies, genetically modified organisms have been linked to a growing number of ailments in animals, including infertility, accelerated aging, alterations in genes responsible for cholesterol synthesis, insulin regulation, formation of protein, and cell signals. GMOs have also been lined to significant changes in the gastrointestinal system, as well as the immune system, spleen, liver, and kidneys. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine advises doctors to recommend that their patients avoid GMOs.
Molecular biologists at King’s College in London reported on a study conducted by an independent council. In the study, rats that were fed GMOs demonstrated remarkable amounts of tumor development, as well as kidney and liver damage. This would seem to go along with the warnings a growing number of scientists are making regarding GMOs. In fact, many European scientists are concerned over the risks of GMOs and the quantity (or lack of) and quality of research that has been done on them .
Banned in Europe
Not only are GMO cultivation banned in many European countries, many of them also do not allow GMO products sold in the stores, or, if they are, they must be clearly labeled. The general populace has had a strong reaction to GMOs in these countries as well, with known plots being rooted up and destroyed. And yet, they are in countless food products in the U.S. Are the Europeans on to something?
So, What’s it In?
So… maybe GMOs (also called GM or GE) aren’t such a great idea: how do I avoid them? It is a bit tough, actually. 90% of the corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified, so pretty much anything with corn should be avoided. Same thing for soybeans, sugar beets, and milk. That’s right, cows have been a genetically engineered hormone to increase milk production. The list goes on. Your best bet is to choose foods that are certified organic or have the non-GMO verification logo. It takes a bit of work, but avoiding GMOs is still a possibility, and may be a very good choice for your health.
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