Tag Archives: Healthcare

Breast Milk Not Just For Babies Anymore: Breast Milk Used To Fight Cancer

The health benefits of nursing infants are well documented and have been widely known for decades. Recently, however, researchers have been targeting the benefits of “liquid gold,” as it has been coined, for adults.  Consuming just a few ounces of … read more »

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Natural Approaches To Managing Back Pain and Neck Pain

The statistics are shocking:  85% of the US population will experience back or neck pain at some point in their lives.  31 million Americans suffer from specific low back pain. In addition, back pain is the leading cause of disability … read more »

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New Pancreatic Cancer Screening Revolutionizes The Way Scientists Approach Cancer Testing

15-year-old Jack Andraka won the $75,000 grand prize at last year’s Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his pancreatic cancer research conducted at Johns Hopkins University. The young prodigy developed a dipstick sensor that detects high levels of mesothelin … read more »

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