- Learn More About
These Specialized Therapies:- Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement/Balancing
- Bio-Oxidative Therapies
- Biopuncture Therapy
- Chelation Therapy
- HCG Weight Loss
Programs - IV Therapy
- Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
- Metabolic Detoxification
- Myofascial Release
- Neural Therapy
- Osteopathic
Manipulation - Ozone Therapy
- PRP - Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
- Posture and Gait
Assessment - Prolotherapy
- Prolozone
- Trigger Point Injections
Do You Know What’s In Your Makeup And Personal Care Products?
Have you embraced a healthy lifestyle whereby you are conscious of what you put in your mouth, manage stress, sleep well and make an honest effort to do something physical each day? If so, that’s great and your body and … read more
Posted in Allergies, Autism, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Health and Wellness, Infertility, Skin
Tagged Autism, Cancer, Cardiac Function, Coal Tar, DEA, Diethanolamine, Eczema, Environmental Working Group, Hives, Infertility, Makeup, Muscle Function, Organic Makeup, Personal Care Products, Petroleum-Based Products, Phthalates, Propylene Glycol, Synthetic Colors, TEA, Triclosan, Triethanolamine